Book Review: 'The Richest Man in Babylon'

“A PART OF ALL YOU EARN IS YOURS TO KEEP” The City of Babylon- existed 8000 years ago. Historians claim that Babylonians were the first engineers, the first astronomers, the first mathematicians, the first financiers, and they are the first who have their written language. The book begins with a brief history & geography of Babylon City. The first chapter begins with the story of a person named, Bansir, who wants to be rich. Bansir, the chariot builder of Babylon, was feeling very low and sad for some time. He used to struggle financially most of the time of the year. He wants to become a rich person. But how, he did not know. So he along with his other friends who are like him decided to visit their one good friend Arkad who was the richest person in the Babylon at that time. They all want to know how Arkad becomes so rich and they can also follow him. Arkad told them that whatever he earns he started saving a part of it with himself. A minimum of one-tenth part of his earning he ...