
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Choluteca Bridge - a lesson

The Choluteca Bridge is situated in the city of Honduras, in Central America on the river Choluteca. Honduras city is the worst affected city by strong storms and hurricanes.  The Choluteca Bridge was built in 1998 in four years by a Japanese firm and opened for public use in the same year. It was a 484 meter long and very strong & marvelous bridge. It was a great work of modern-day design and engineering. It was the longest and strongest bridge of that time. In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch destroyed Honduras city. The whole Honduras city is completely submerged in water. There was 4 days continuous raining and the city received as much as water in six months in a normal year.  All the bridges and roads have been washed away in water, except one, the Choluteca bridge . The Choulteca bridge was standing tall, he had proved that how much strong the bridge was built.   But there was a problem, even though th e Choluteca bridge was intact at his place, the river beneat...

Sovereign Gold Bond (2020-21) subsciption has started

Sovereign Gold Bond issued by RBI on behalf of  government of India. SGB offers investment in gold in digital form(alternative for physical gold).Five tranches has already been released this year. First tranche was released on 20th April, 2020. This year's last and 6th tranche's subscription and issuance details are below: Date of Subscription : 31st August 2020 -4th September 2020 Date of issuance:  8th  September 2020   Tranche : 2020-21 Series VI Some relevant information:  Additional interest of   2.5%   annually  on the nominal value of the bond. Payment can be done by cheque,Demand Draft or internet  banking. Loan  can be taken against bond. Maturity period:  8 years (Exit option available after 5 years) Capital gain tax exempted for individual on maturity. Minimum Buy : 1 gram of Gold Maximum Buy : 4 KG of Gold for individual If anyone buying using digital mode, their is a discount of Rs 50. Source : RBI notifi...

Habits of a successful investor एक सफल निवेशक की 7 आदत

"Man is a creature of habits" , said by G.S. Hall. Today we will see seven habits of a successful investor . I will discuss each of them in detail in upcoming blogs. एक लक्ष्य के साथ निवेश करें  (Short term Goals, Long Term Goals) जल्दी शुरू करें ( चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज की शक्ति ) (Start Early & get advantage of Compound Interest) शेयर मार्केट में निवेश करें   (Nifty,Sensex) नियमित रूप से निवेश करें   (Self-Discipline) भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण रखें   (Greed and Fear) जोखिम को कवर करें (Insurance your Risks) किसी विशेषज्ञ की मदद लें  (Take advice of Experts)

Financial Well-being during Covid-19 Pandemic कोविद -19 महामारी के बीच वित्तीय योजना अच्छी तरह से कैसे सुनिश्चित करें?

कोविद -19 महामारी के बीच वित्तीय  योजना  अच्छी तरह से कैसे सुनिश्चित करें • करने योग्य • क्या न करें वित्तीय जानकारी के स्रोत करने योग्य(Do's) (Enough Insurance cover)पर्याप्त बीमा रक्षण (Cut down expenses)खर्चों में कटौती (Emergency Fund)एक आपातकालीन कॉर्पस का निर्माण (Second Source of Income )आय का एक माध्यमिक स्रोत बनाएँ   क्या न करें(Don'ts) (Do not close SIPs )एसआईपी (SIP) अंत (Do not let pandemic derail financial planning)महामारी में वित्तीय योजना पटरी से उतर गई (Do not rely only on Group health policy)केवल नियोक्ता की समूह स्वास्थ्य नीति पर भरोसा करें वित्तीय जानकारी के स्रोत ( हिंदी में भी उपलब्ध ) Paisa Vaisa Podcast Moneycontrol Podcast

Book review: 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'

The book starts with an introduction about his two dads-Rich one and Poor one. Rich dad did not pass his 8 th  standard. On the other hand, Poor dad was highly qualified & intelligent. Even though,Poor dad struggled financially throughout his life. Rich dad enjoyed his life fullest. Rich dad left a lot for their descendants. But Poor dad left a lot of debt for the family.   The author also wrote about his favorite poem by Robert Frost "The Road not Taken". The author said that he follows his favorite poem in his daily life. Last three lines of the poem are as follows: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference “ The Rich Don’t work for money ”- is the topic of the first lesson of the book. It is the middle class and poor who work for money; Money works for Rich. As a human being, we all are controlled by two strong emotions of ‘Fear’ & ‘Greed’ and it is the biggest trap as per the author. “ Why we should ...